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Welcome to Shaagird. We are dedicated to uplift children from systematically marginalized sections of Indian society. We believe that every child deserves access to quality education, regardless of their socio-political circumstances. Our mission is to bridge the educational gap and provide opportunities for these children to thrive.

Shaagird reaches out to children who have been impacted by communal violence or who come from deprived sections of society. We enrol these children in our own education centers or partner with nearby learning facilities to provide them with the educational resources they need. Our aim is to create a nurturing and caring environment where they can receive free education up to the primary level.

To sponsor a child’s education, we have made the process simple and transparent. You can browse through profiles of children in need of sponsorship. Each profile includes information about the child and their educational expenses, allowing you to choose a child whose journey you would like to support. By completing the sponsor form, you can sponsor the education of a child for as many months as you desire.

We invite you to be part of the Shaagird community, where your contributions can make a tangible impact on the lives of marginalized children.

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What Shaagird Aims to Achieve?

Access to Quality Education

One major goal of our organization is to ensure that children from systematically marginalized sections of Indian society have access to quality education. This goal focuses on bridging the educational gap and providing equal opportunities for these children to thrive academically. By establishing education centers or partnering with learning facilities, we aim to create a nurturing and caring environment where these children can receive free education up to the primary level.

Continuation of Education

Another goal of our organization is to empower the children we serve and encourage them to continue their studies beyond the primary level. We aim to support and guide them in pursuing their interests and higher education. By investing in their educational journey and providing necessary resources and mentorship, we aim to equip them with the tools they need to break the cycle of marginalization and achieve their full potential. We firmly believe that education is not only a means for personal growth but also a pathway to social progress and equal opportunities.

Gender Inclusivity

While working on the ground, Shaagird's team has identified the critical importance of focusing on girls' education. Our primary goal is to ensure a significantly higher representation of girls in all our institutions. At Shaagird, we firmly believe in empowering girls to become who they aspire to be and pursue their passions freely. We strive to create an environment where girls are encouraged to explore their full potential. Our efforts also involve raising awareness about the significance of girls' education and the immense potential they hold.

Empower Marginalized Communities

Work towards empowering marginalized communities by involving parents and community members in educational initiatives and fostering their active participation. Ultimately, aim to break the cycle of marginalization by providing children with the tools and opportunities they need to overcome socio-political barriers and realize their full potential. Through our efforts, we envision a future where children can overcome barriers, transform their lives, and contribute positively to their communities and society as a whole.

What does the sponsor gets?

Join To Save Planet
Kollentesque semper sapien sit amet tellus accumsan rhoncus nulla facilisi Aliquam.
Elderly Care
Aliquam pellentesque semper sapien sit amet tellus accumsan rhoncus nulla facilisi.
Educating Poor Kids
Sapien sit amet pellentesque semper tellus accumsan rhoncus nulla facilisi aliquam.

Even small donations can give
Big smiles

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01 Poor Childrens

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02 Drinking Water

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You Can Help Change a life Give Your Help Today!

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Our Sponsors

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Become a Volunteer We Need to Make

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    Donate to feed more everyday

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    Choose the perfect Shaagird plan for you

    Your yearly donations to Shaagird provide us with a steady stream of revenue throughout the year to help provide education to underprivileged children. This allows us to plan well for the months ahead because we know what we have to work with. Or you can pledge to donate monthly.


    3600-18000 Monthly
    • Books
    • Uniform
    • Stationary
    • Tuition Fees


    3600-18000 Monthly
    • Books
    • Uniform
    • Stationary
    • Tuition Fees